Thursday, November 19, 2015

Visual Pun Sketchbook Assignment

I am often struggling to come up with new and exciting sketchbook assignments for my students. I use sketchbooks in all my classes, all levels.  For the introductory classes I have them pass them in weekly and for my AP class they are due biweekly as I expect them to be more resolved. The idea of illustrating a visual pun- either an expression, a compound word or an idiom has been popular with all of my classes.
 I have seen my fair share of "Apple of my Eye" over the years, so much so that I am not going to show you an example because I am pretty tired of it, here are some fun ones from over the years:
"In a Pickle" by Basics of Art Student Jordan

"Under the Weather" by Studio Art (Pre. A.P.) student Aimee

"Hot Potato" by A.P. Student Juliann

"Fire Drill" by A.P. Student Tyler

A few years ago a student in my A.P. Studio Art class had some much fun with this assignment she decided to build her concentration on idioms. This resulted in some really fun pieces that she was really engaged in for an entire semester.  The rest of the class also enjoyed brainstorming possible ideas for her during class critiques.  Here are a few pieces from Abbie's concentration.

"Butterflies in your Stomach"

"Heart Beating out of your Chest"

"Frog in Your Throat"

Lastly, sometimes I do the sketchbook assignments along with my students. They are fairly entertained by it and I enjoy working along side them. I present to you "Runny Nose".
What about you? Do you have any sketchbook assignments/prompts that students love to do?

 I'd love to hear about them.

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