Friday, December 23, 2016

My Drawing Class finished up a fun illustration assignment inspired by the book "The Z is Zapped" by Chris Van Allsburg. I have two sections of this class and a few kids in Advanced Drawing also ..but collectively they decided they wanted to illustrate the entire alphabet. I was so happy with the results!

The A was Asleep by Gabi

The B was at the ballet by Yana

The C was crystallized by Marlee

The D was Dangerous by John

The D was defenestrated by Clare

The E was Erased by Amanda

The F was Flying by Grace

The G was Glazed by Andrew

The H was Hardcore by Saman

The I was an Icicle by Isabel

The J was Jousting by John

The K was Kicking by Kaitlyn

The K was Killed by Jack

The L was Levitating by Ava

The M was Made by Matt

The M was Mauled by Jonathan

The N was in the Nursery by Maddie

The O was with an Ostrich by Josh

The P was Psychedelic by Dianna

The Q was Quietly Quacked at by Alex

The R was Running by Rami

The S was Scribbling by Mary

The T was Time-Traveling by Alexa

The U was Unmasked by Valentine

The V was Volatile by Ryan

The V was Vandalizing by Anna

The W was Wrenched by Duncan

The X was Xeroxed by Martin

The Y was Yucky by Isabel

The Z was Zipped by Hallie

Monday, November 7, 2016

very small to very big

My Drawing class just finished up a project that challenged them to enlarge the scale of tiny objects and to create interesting compositions. They had their choice from popcorn, elastic bands, screws and dried pasta pieces.  They picked their objects and then we glued them on small paper plates so they would not move and that their cast shadows would be more visible. I had my Drawing students use graphite pencils to try and capture a full range of value and my Advanced Drawing students use white conte crayon on black paper.  I was so happy with the results!
Dried Pasta Still-Life by Clare

Pasta Still Life by Anna

Amanda's still life composed of rubber bands, dried pasta and screws

by Hallie

Love the mark-making on this one by John

Madi did a nice job with the reflections on these screws

Beautiful Pasta still life by Marlee

Martin's piece 

Pasta still life by Mary
Awesome Popcorn piece by Isabelle

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Art 1- Self-portrait in objects

To wrap up our unit on contour drawing, I've had my students in Art 1 create a self-portrait by choosing 6 objects that they feel represent them. It's always an interesting way to learn more about my students as it is still pretty early in the year. They could play around with scale, were asked to draw from life with one exception where they could use a reference photo if the object was too big to bring in and create interesting composition. Everyone had to draw at least one object in cross-contour lines to really show its form. It's fun to see what objects everyone draws in common (mostly their phones!).  Here are some examples from this year:
Rylan incorporated a map of one of her favorite places

Beautiful drawing by Yana

nice composition by Alexa

Isabel's drawing

by Isabella

by Jenna

Julia is a rower, which is why she has so many band aids for her hands!

Nice drawing by Karlis

Makayla's piece

Sophia did a great job drawing her soccer goalie gloves

Timmy had fun playing with scale on this one